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Crash Detection & Alert System

Created: June, 2024

Crash Detection & Alert System

The Crash Detection and Alert System is an advanced safety solution that integrates several key components, including a microcontroller, Neo6 GPS module, SIM900A GSM module, ADXL335 accelerometer, a push button, and a buzzer.

This sophisticated system monitors the impact magnitude using the ADXL335 accelerometer. When the detected impact exceeds a predefined threshold, the system activates the buzzer as an alert signal. However, if the triggering event is a false alarm—such as sudden braking or encountering an obstacle—the user can easily deactivate the alert by pressing the push button.

In the event of a genuine crash, the system swiftly notifies the driver's family members by sending an emergency alert containing the live GPS location. This is accomplished through the SIM900A GSM module, which transmits the precise latitude and longitude coordinates derived from the Neo6 GPS.

By combining these technologies, the Crash Detection and Alert System ensures rapid response and enhances the safety of drivers and their families during emergencies.

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